Why start blogging?

Answer..someone told me to! I was complaining of having too much free time and so, was told I should write a blog. So this is the result..most of it will be random goings on and some will be so I can look back on my time in Canada and actually remember some of it..(which is a good thing as I have a woeful memory!) And its been a great experience living here. Its been hard at times but the good moments definitely out weight the hard moments:)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

update..long overdue i know!!

Goodbye 24, you have been an interesting year indeed!you arrived in style on a new continent, and you left on the same continent which was not the plan for your year. You brought a few tears and even more smiles. Thank you for the opportunity to grow and learn. Thank you for all the new friends you brought. today i turned 25...a quarter of century old..i am no longer in my early 20s..i'm in my mid 20s! lots of people at this point in their lives are married..have kids..have mortgages..i have a suitcase of stuff, a laptop, and a guitar..and the uncertainty of what lies ahead! Sometimes its scary to think of all the uncertainty ahead trying to find my place in this world. What am i supposed to be, what's my purpose..i don't know..but that's okay (or at least that's what i aiming for right now, that its okay not to know, to trust God completely that He has my life planned out and that He knows exactly where my place is in this life. I want to learn to trust God's goodness this year and to not only know it but to truly believe and rest in it. So today to celebrate the birthday, Lydia organised a dinner. Hannah, Emily, Jeanine, Bria, Mikayla and Isaiah were also there to share in the funtastic birthday goings on. So on the menu, BBQ chicken (I love lydia's BBQ chicken!)and mash potatoes..perfect! OH and BANOFFIE PIE for dessert!!:)
And then it was off to the cinema with Hannah and Emily for Toy Story 3..nothing makes you feel old like watching Andy go off to college!! good movie:)
So the first day of year 25 started off on a high notes and may it continue..i sure hope so:)
I'm thankful for all the birthday wishes i got today, i nice reminder of the many people in my life that i am truly blessed to know! So alot to be thankful for, alot to be hopeful for, and alot to look forward to!

Monday, June 7, 2010

KFC - no longer friends are we.

so this is why i really shouldn't leave blogging for a couple of days because i forget far too quickly what i did. With that said its also the main reason i should really try and write every second day at least because i want to be able to remember some of my time in canada!

ok so thursday Naomi, Lydia's best friend came to visit along with her beautiful baby. I didn't actually see them until friday because they arrive late thursday night. They stayed in my room downstairs which meant i was in the guest bedroom upstairs. The nice thing and sometimes the bad thing about staying in the basement is that it is always cold. It doesn't really bother me cause its nice to be able to wrap up in a blanket and where super wooly pjs all year round:) So the rooms upstairs are not exactly as pleasant! it was so hot (and the thing was, i happened to be fortunate enough to stay upstairs when it wasn't even that hot outside (well compare to the last few days) . So what i gained from my few nights upstairs is a new found appreciation for my room downstairs and much respect for josh and lydia and isaiah sleeping upstairs when its that hot!

So friday - i can't remember friday..

so Saturday- it was cookstown's annual Wing Ding festival thingy:) when i arrived last year, pretty much from the first day i was in cookstown i was told about the excitment that is Wing Ding. How could someone describe wing ding..basically its where the little town of cookstown becomes filled with lots of people selling junk that the bought in the last years wing ding and then purchasing stuff they can sell in next years wing ding..or another way to describe it is as a HUGE yard sale:) it was alot fun to walk around although i didn't get a chance to get candy floss:( but i'm sure my teeth will thank me later! So the quote of the day was definitely from Adrien who was walking samson. Adrien was telling about moving out on his own and all that entailed. He was walking samson and came to the conclusion that he either needed a wife...or a dog:)

so Sunday was the day that me and KFC had a falling out! i got a popcorn chicken snack box
and felt very unwell afterwards! so i won't be getting KFC anytime soon!
I took samson with me to wing ding on saturday and while we were at the simpsons jeanine came in with a worried look on her face and told me that samson had ate some of myas food...fast forward to sunday and i understood why she was concerned! So when we got home after church we walked inside and lets just say we were greeted by a not so pleasant smell! upon going through the house we discovered that Samson had been sick and pooped inside the house (which he never does..he's the best dog ever and never goes to the toilet inside the house!) so yeah not cool!

Monday..was a quiet day..too quiet..so i called hannah and asked hannah if i could come over before i lost my mind to boredom! So she was nice enough to let me come visit and we chilled..did some grocery shopping..got starbucks..it changed her life (even if she won't admit it;) We looked at pictures..ate chips..looked at more chips and then it was time to go home. I like visiting the belvederes (i didn't hesitate this time typing your name;)

Naomi came to visit with her beautiful baby girl:)
me and Naomi
one of the many reasons i love lydia:) and also another reason why she should never stay up late!

walking through cookstown during wing ding:)

wing ding in cookstown

Isaiah running his little heart out trying to catch the birds:)
Isaiah's defeated walk back because he didn't catch the birds:)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

wednesday rain..

so it was only a matter of time before the rain clouds came back to town! it was strange though..because as i sat on the porch with lydia and isaiah listening to the claps of thunder and then the subtle drops of rain it wasn't the usual dread i felt at seeing rain. This is one of the things i like most about Canada. It has actual seasons which means that it doesn't rain 355 days out of the year. So when it does actual rain, you appreciate it! you can see visibly the changes in the colours around you. You appreciate a break from the heat. This is not the case in ireland. It rains, then rains some more, and oh yeah it rains again..and this is pretty much the theme throughout winter, spring, summer and autumn. I like canada :)

so me and isaiah went jumping in puddles..something i haven't done (well intentionally anyway) since i was a kid! And then we sat for about an hour outside watching the rain while wrapped in our blankets. All in all a very enjoyable afternoon.

So i finished the first book i got from the library..it was ok. It was really predictable but i was glad it was an easy read:) so i started my next book - the last jurort. Hopefully this one will last me more than a day!

Isaiah loves his mammy:)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

...catch up...

so i have neglected to write anything for a couple of days..but i really should write something because already i'm struggling to remember what i did the last couple of days..is it normal for someones short term memory to be so bad..

i watched finding nemo today..dory is my hero:)

right so-Friday
so the exciting thing for friday was going to cookstown to pick up the yaris. Jeanine said i could borrow their car while they were gone to NEXT. so it was exciting, the idea of having a car for the weekend:) the one drawback..95% of the people i know in canada were also gone to NEXT...

So after picking up the car it was off to Hamiliton for Lydia's friends suprise birthday party. It was fun hearing lydia's college stories:) I got the task of driving home...we got a touch lost but we eventually made it home:)
Note: i don't like driving at night and i need to learn to pay more attention to road signs!

I tried to think of somewhere exciting to go considering i had a car..I went to walmart..FAIL!
i can't remember what i did for the rest of the day on saturday..ah well

Church was good..quiet..but good. Heard a great message from..i can't remember the guys name (shocker i know) but it was really good. It was about the importance of preaching the gospel clearly.
It was Samson's birthday:) so lots of birthday lovings for him.
I went to the cinema to watch Letters to Juliet. Really good romantic comedy:)

..........................................blank...........................what did i do............ah well..swiftly moving on..

Joined the library in bradford, then realised that i know diddly squat about books because i don't read books very often (or more accurately..not at all) so ended up reading magazines for most of the time i was there...Library fail! But i did take out two books so hopefully i can limit my time spent watching tv and use my time more effectively..well that's the plan!

weather is still so nice:) i like sunshine!