Why start blogging?

Answer..someone told me to! I was complaining of having too much free time and so, was told I should write a blog. So this is the result..most of it will be random goings on and some will be so I can look back on my time in Canada and actually remember some of it..(which is a good thing as I have a woeful memory!) And its been a great experience living here. Its been hard at times but the good moments definitely out weight the hard moments:)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

update..long overdue i know!!

Goodbye 24, you have been an interesting year indeed!you arrived in style on a new continent, and you left on the same continent which was not the plan for your year. You brought a few tears and even more smiles. Thank you for the opportunity to grow and learn. Thank you for all the new friends you brought. today i turned 25...a quarter of century old..i am no longer in my early 20s..i'm in my mid 20s! lots of people at this point in their lives are married..have kids..have mortgages..i have a suitcase of stuff, a laptop, and a guitar..and the uncertainty of what lies ahead! Sometimes its scary to think of all the uncertainty ahead trying to find my place in this world. What am i supposed to be, what's my purpose..i don't know..but that's okay (or at least that's what i aiming for right now, that its okay not to know, to trust God completely that He has my life planned out and that He knows exactly where my place is in this life. I want to learn to trust God's goodness this year and to not only know it but to truly believe and rest in it. So today to celebrate the birthday, Lydia organised a dinner. Hannah, Emily, Jeanine, Bria, Mikayla and Isaiah were also there to share in the funtastic birthday goings on. So on the menu, BBQ chicken (I love lydia's BBQ chicken!)and mash potatoes..perfect! OH and BANOFFIE PIE for dessert!!:)
And then it was off to the cinema with Hannah and Emily for Toy Story 3..nothing makes you feel old like watching Andy go off to college!! good movie:)
So the first day of year 25 started off on a high notes and may it continue..i sure hope so:)
I'm thankful for all the birthday wishes i got today, i nice reminder of the many people in my life that i am truly blessed to know! So alot to be thankful for, alot to be hopeful for, and alot to look forward to!


  1. WOOOAHH totally forgot to mention my saweeett present..a seasons pass to canada's wonderland!!YAAAAYYYY :)

  2. YAY! An update! You're aliveee!!!!!
    Happy birthday, you old person you!!
    Haha, toy story.....WAS AWESOME!
    "the orphans!"
    "chuckles knows......"

    The baby though....was CREEPY!!!!!

    Anywho, thanks for the update! Love you!
