Why start blogging?

Answer..someone told me to! I was complaining of having too much free time and so, was told I should write a blog. So this is the result..most of it will be random goings on and some will be so I can look back on my time in Canada and actually remember some of it..(which is a good thing as I have a woeful memory!) And its been a great experience living here. Its been hard at times but the good moments definitely out weight the hard moments:)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

bumps along the way

so today was a really good day..but it had a few bumps along the way. and well it got me thinking...

okay, so imagine a car flying down the road, all going well, life is good, you feel good and then out of nowhere you hit a bump. The car makes it over the bump but because of the bump you notice some damage on the car. So you take the car to the mechanic. So while fixing the damage from the bump, they see more damage not directly caused by the bump but that probably wouldn't have been noticed if it were not being repaired because of going over the bump. So the car is fully repaired, good as new and ready to hit the road again. it's even better than it was before. It runs smoother than ever.

so what does this have to do with anything? well...so using the illustration above..

the car is me;
the road is my christian walk;
and the bumps are circumstances that God allows in our lives in order to teach us, refine us and make us more like His son.

We all go over bumps in our lives. These bumps always look different, sometimes you can see them from far off and sometimes they can come out of nowhere. Sometimes the bump is so small that we don't even see it and sometimes its so big that we think there is no way we will ever make it over. But thankfully we are not the ones driving the car! It is God. It is only God that can get us over these bumps and sometimes its not easy and sometimes it even hurts to get over the bump. But the thing is once we are over these bumps and we are repaired and made new again...actually better than new (thats Gods overwhelming grace and mercy) the car is reinforced so that it can make it over even bigger bumps in the future. And this how God teaches us, refines us and gives us joy. now we can go through life in a better car that is able to withstand the bumps of this life. And the mind blowing this is...we didn't even pay for the car in the first place! it was a gift! paid for in full! no interest rates..no debt..the only thing is..God needs to be the driver! It may sometimes be, that, we decide that maybe its time for us to be the driver but experience tells me that this will usually land you in a ditch going nowhere at all!
Every now and then when we feel down and defeated God allows people in our lives who come along with kind and challenging words that act like our jumper cables to get us moving again!

so yes today was a good day. it had the bumps along the way but God thought me a lot through the bumps and even made me thankful for the bumps! He showed me that no matter what ever bump comes up..He will get me over! He has done it time and time again. And He did it again today!

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