Why start blogging?

Answer..someone told me to! I was complaining of having too much free time and so, was told I should write a blog. So this is the result..most of it will be random goings on and some will be so I can look back on my time in Canada and actually remember some of it..(which is a good thing as I have a woeful memory!) And its been a great experience living here. Its been hard at times but the good moments definitely out weight the hard moments:)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

can i pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars..i could really use a wish right now.

so where to begin..how does one even begin writing blogs! isn't' a blog just a hi tech version of dear diary except that the whole world can read your thoughts..(which reminds me i really should check out the privacy settings on this thing to see exactly who can read this..ah procrastination is a wonderful thing..I'll do it later..so moving on..) i'm not sure how i feel about this whole blogging craic but since i have nothing better to do with my time these days, a blog it is!

so this is where i guess a person would insert some interesting story so you the reader are not wondering at the end of reading this blog.."well that's a minute of my life i will never get back" so in that case i shall warn you in advance..if you are one who is careful about how you spend your free time then perhaps this is not the blog for you! but if you are, on the otherhand like me..bored off your tree and have nothing better to do..then this my friend, is the blog for you!:)

so today i worked on a roof. i don't do manual labour much (who i am kidding..i never do manual labour) so when, on rare occasions, i do have to do it..my body lets me know exactly why it is that i don't normally do it! although it is getting easier. This time around i haven't winced in pain at every slight movement i make. that's nice. so working on a roof all day without sunscreen and without the common sense to make sure your t-shirt sleeves are shoved up as far as possible has left me with a Grade-A farmer's tan. oh and if that wasn't attractive enough already, add in the fact that i was wearing gloves too. so my arms look like this..WHITE....THEN PINKISH RED..and then WHITE again..sexy i know!

The nice thing about spending a day doing manual labour..it makes you appreciate the boring monotonous desk job which, on any other day would be cause for complaining (well if you are me!) ..but oh no-not on a day after being on a roof. I usually go back to the office with a new zest for life..which usually lasts about an hour..well i never said i wasn't fickle! i guess that's one of my main problems..I'm never content! I'm never happy to just be. Why is this? perhaps cause TV ruined my attention span, perhaps its cause life is short and i feel like I'm missing out..or maybe its more to do with the fact that i don't know how to be truly thankful for all that God has blessed me with! How can i learn this? How can i learn to be truly thankful! Oh i know there are plenty of verses which indicate clearly how one can learn this but i seem to be missing the connection between knowing and practically living out this knowledge! Who knows maybe this will be something that God will show me this summer. I hope so! cause i would like to be truly thankful and content and not have to depend on those shooting stars to make a wish of better things.

OK well that's it. that took oh about 10 minutes to write..i was hoping it would take longer..now what am i to do with the remaining hours of the night. well i know what I'm not going to do..Google ideas for what to do when you are bored;) [well because its already been done and the results make for funny reading but putting them into practice..not so much!]


1 comment:

  1. ahahah, good first post m'dear! I approve.

    See, blogging is a good new hobby for you.
    Your next challenge (once you figure out how to read the comments...) is to post a picture. (dun dun dun....) and then upload a new blogskin! (but I'll walk you through that one.) lol --- Good blog. Send the link to all your friends so that they can read a day in the life of their favourite Irish person. Love you :-)
