Why start blogging?

Answer..someone told me to! I was complaining of having too much free time and so, was told I should write a blog. So this is the result..most of it will be random goings on and some will be so I can look back on my time in Canada and actually remember some of it..(which is a good thing as I have a woeful memory!) And its been a great experience living here. Its been hard at times but the good moments definitely out weight the hard moments:)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Thank crunchie its friday:)

so as fridays go..this friday was pretty relaxed indeed! and the weather is getting so nice now! It makes you want to be outside all the time..i have to remind myself that it will be sunny again the following day so its not like i have to get my quota of sun all in one or two days, unlike at home, where, when the sun comes out from behind the rain clouds for that handful of days each year you pretty much camp yourself outside while at the same time wishing and praying that it doesn't rain. i like canada. Even in the winter when temperatures drop to that not so pleasant cold stage..the sun is still shinning! that's nice.

also nice to go driving in this weather - a nice drive along canal road and also hitting the back roads to avoid the holiday weekend cottagers (cottagers is probably not a real word is it..ah well)

Emily and Hannah (better known as mikala 1 and 2 ;) came over for dinner ..pita bread cooked in the oven with basil and rosemary on top (i actually wrote that just for me because for some reason i can't seem to remember the herbs that go on top..yeah i know its only two but i can't seem to make it stick!..it would be nice if i had a better memory! oh yeah its cooked in the oven not broil..check)
so as i was saying...i think isaiah may have been more excited about having them over! Such a funny little child who makes me laugh at all the wonderfully cute things he does! "POSE" i really have to figure out how to put pictures on here..ohhh it could be more like a show and tell blog as opposed to a dear diary blog..that would be cool..
okay i got sidetracked again.. then after dinner it was off to see robin hood. not a whole lot can be said for robin hood....well apart from the funny burst of giggles from Hannah in response to some of the dialog in the film...lady Marian really was lamesketchy (word courtesy of Hannah:) but yeah, not the worst film ever but definitely nothing to write home about either!

114 days left..i regret counting out my days left in canada..pointless exercise and also a sad exercise! its harder on days like today that remind me how much i love this place..not because of the beautiful sunshine (although that doesn't hurt) but because of the wonderful friends i have here. Isaiah (who would have thought my best friend here would be a two year old!) but he always makes me smile when i am with him because he is just so sweet and funny and cute. Hannah and Emily - lovely girls who so kindly payed for me to go see robin hood! it feels great to have people here that i can just be myself around. Lydia - yeah i could probably do another blog entry alone for reasons why I'm thankful for her.

So looking back on the first blog where i said i wanted to learn to be thankful..i can honestly say today that i was thankful! thankful for people, sunshine, God's beautiful creation which becomes even more beautiful when the sun shines. I'm thankful for a roof over my head, dear friends, friends who don't laugh cause i can't remember the names of two herbs even though they told me earlier in the day, friends that care enough to tell you things that sometime you don't want to hear but you need to hear! ** cue sentimental thought provoking background music** ........yeah i read back over what i wrote and i could almost hear the sentimental music in the background..cheeze..but its really not meant to be cheezy..i really do struggle to remember all that God has blessed with me and to be truly thankful for these blessings. i'm glad God gave me a thankful heart today because i know if left to myself i would have found something to complain about, something to be discontent about but God reminded me today that i do indeed have a lot to be thankful for and also a lot to hope for in the future..so a good day indeed!

so as the tv ad goes..Thank crunchie its friday:)

Food time:)



  1. I figured out how to do pictures:)

  2. "POSE!!!!!!!!!"
    "Kayla....get me some water."
    ahahahahha, I love Isaiah.

    And I'm glad my funny giggles didn't annoy you.....although they were more like snorts of disgust. "Marian....I LOVE YOU!"
    I mean, really? REALLY?

    And robin himself......the only cool thing about him is his monster voice.

    And where was all that stealing from the rich to give to the poor?! He'd rather cut off peoples heads. Robin Hood meets Gladiator anyone? Lamesketchy indeed!

    Anyways, I had fun. :-)
    Love you!
