Why start blogging?

Answer..someone told me to! I was complaining of having too much free time and so, was told I should write a blog. So this is the result..most of it will be random goings on and some will be so I can look back on my time in Canada and actually remember some of it..(which is a good thing as I have a woeful memory!) And its been a great experience living here. Its been hard at times but the good moments definitely out weight the hard moments:)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

adventure time:)

so this is actually two days combined cause i didn't write a post for yesterday.

so firstly yesterday:
so i got to spend most of the day with isaiah while lydia went and helped her hubby out at work. its so much fun spending time with isaiah. I love spending time with him because the outlook on life from a 2 year old is so fun and you cant help but get caught up in his way of viewing life:)
so i took him to the park but before we could leave he insisted that i bring his friend hippo (a really cute cuddly teddybear) So we went to the park and isaiah insisted that hippo go in the swing next to him so i ended up having to push both hippo and isaiah on the swings. and then it was off to the slide where...yep hippo and isaiah both took turns going down:) so a little more playing and nap time. After nap time we made our way to isaiahs kiddy pool. so yesterday like the rest of this week was hot..so the only to cool down was to get into the kiddy pool with isaiah. We spent a long time sitting and playing-so fun! and then it was inside for both of us to watch the lion king for the umpteenth time-i can pretty much quote the film word for word now. yeah i know i don't think that skill will get me too far in life! all in all a pretty awesome day with isaiah.

Went for coffee with Avery at coffee culture. It was great to just chill and chat. The thing about sundays at church -its hard to to really talk cause there are so many people to talk to and time is limited so i really do enjoy times i get to spend with people when its a more relaxed.

Part 2 (thursday)

so yes another beautiful sunny day:) isaiah had a doctors appointment in downtown toronto at 10. We left at 8.30..which if there was no traffic would have been plenty of time..but this is downtown toronto and traffic is just a way of life it would appear. So we sat in traffic..and then sat some more..moved a little and then sat again and this was pretty much the theme of the trip. So we managed to get onto the right street a little after 10. So as we were running late we decided that i should just take the car and park while lydia and isaiah ran for their appointment..so lydia pulled over so we could switch drivers. So in the rush of trying to switch drivers (while being double parked) we somehow managed to lock the doors with the keys inside..and also with isaiah inside while me and lydia stood outside helpless! Thankfully the car was still running and the air conditioning was cranked up high so isaiah was fine inside. So i can't even imagine the panic a mother must feel when your two year old is stuck inside a car and no way in. Lydia was just about to bust open a window...don't ever mess with a mother when her kid is in harms way! So i ran accross the road to try and get help at a TD bank. God really blessed us with some lovely people who came to our rescue! There were some construction guys working on the street who came over and managed to get the window down and we got into the car! Really its so great when strangers come to your aid! So I think isaiah may have been in the car for about 20 minutes but at the time it felt so much longer! Even though lydia and isaiah were super late for their appointment the doctor still saw them:)
After the hectic morning we made our way down to the harbour front. It was my first time to walk by the harbour front and it was beautiful (especially with the cool breeze coming off the water) We decided we should try and get something different and exciting for lunch..something we couldn't get at home..so we got pad thai (which we always get in bradford;) well the day had already been different and stressful enough so why get too crazy right! and then we sat by the water and had our lunch:) so what had started out as a disaster morning turned out to be a wonderful day:) I was thankful for fun times with isaiah and lydia.

our view from we ate lunch:)

(so across this street is where we had double parked!)

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