Why start blogging?

Answer..someone told me to! I was complaining of having too much free time and so, was told I should write a blog. So this is the result..most of it will be random goings on and some will be so I can look back on my time in Canada and actually remember some of it..(which is a good thing as I have a woeful memory!) And its been a great experience living here. Its been hard at times but the good moments definitely out weight the hard moments:)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Victoria Day Weekend

(watching Fireworks..oh danielle i love you!)

so i guess the fact that i didn't write a blog for saturday and sunday just means i was too busy having fun and didn't feel the need to blog to combat boredom:)

so saturday - quote to remember for the day had to be from Lydia:

"no isaiah you can't colour the puppy" when isaiah was hovering over samson with colours in hand:)

Danielle came over to hang out and eat dinner and watch a movie. so my lame attempt to get out of cooking dinner didn't work and actually it was a good thing cause i learned to cook steak on the BBQ:)

[notes to remember about cooking steak on the BBQ]
marinate steak for a bit
start the BBQ on High and let heat up
throw the steaks on the BBQ and leave for a little bit to get done on both sides
then switch the heat to MOM (medium Off medium) and wait for steaks to be done]

So yeah we watched the series finale of grey's anatomy which was unbelievable! it seemed like someone was getting shot every couple of minutes!and then we stayed up until 3.30am chatting..something that i haven't done in such a long time! i miss mira! we used to always stay up chatting and watching tv..i miss that. wow that seems like a lifetime ago when we used to work accross the street from each other and she would come over every friday to stay.

So yeah probably not the wisest thing to do to stay up till 3.30 and then have to get up for church. But we did it. I even learned how to make french toast.

[Notes to remember about cooking French Toast]

1 egg per two slices of bread
a little bit of nutmeg (about3 shakes of the container)
sprinkle of cinnamon (not to crazy with it though)
a little bit of milk to get consistency right
poke holes in bread to let it soak up the egg
cook both sides and serve with an unhealthy amount of syrup:)

ok so on Saturday Hannah text me to say she had made something to combat my complaints of boredom which she gave to me on sunday at church. For the record she said i just had to wait until i was home with 2 1/2 hours to spare and i followed the instructions..well kinda;) so yeah i had some time to kill before the Kerrs came for dinner. So she made me two mixed cds (2 1/2 hours long) with accompanying notes. The notes were hilarious and cute and had pictures included too! apparently i was only supposed to read the notes as i listened to the cds but i couldn't help myself..i wanted to see what she had wrote:) it was such a thoughtful and cool present! Thanks Hannah:)

So off then it was off to the C&C..it was mostly about organising for NEXT. Its a pity i can't go but it would be so stressful trying to do another border crossing! And then it was off to watch fireworks at canadas wonderland.

So it was fun packed weekend:) and i'm getting better about taking pictures too which is cool!

nice hannah:)

have you ever seen a kid with cooler hair:)

1 comment:

  1. haha from your pictures it looks like i wear that sweater (Irish translation:"jumper") everyday! Just for the record i DID wash it in between:-)
    I love your blog denise, and I love you!
    Lets chillllllllll sometime.
