Why start blogging?

Answer..someone told me to! I was complaining of having too much free time and so, was told I should write a blog. So this is the result..most of it will be random goings on and some will be so I can look back on my time in Canada and actually remember some of it..(which is a good thing as I have a woeful memory!) And its been a great experience living here. Its been hard at times but the good moments definitely out weight the hard moments:)

Monday, May 24, 2010

i like trees:)

another beautiful sunny day today! a touch on the hot side but still so nice:)
the first day that the air conditioning was turned out..i still find it so strange to hear myself say.."close the door and keep the heat out" This i guarantee you is not a phrase you will ever hear uttered in Ireland..that is for sure! You will hear instead phrases like "were you born in barn, shut the door and keep in the heat" or as my mother pronounces it "hate" yes not sure how someone could pronounce heat like hate but thats the west Clare accent for ya! but yes, that is definitely phrase i associate with my childhood for sure..and no my mother did not ever appreciate the smart ass comment of "oh no, actually i was born in hospital..swinging doors"...my mother really was a very patient woman!

I almost had a sleep in this morning..but unfortunately the neighbours next door were not aware of my desire to have a sleep in! but i can't complain too much as they happen to be really nice people with a strange need to cut grass every second day it seems sometimes!

so another nice drive along the canal road today which reminds me I promised Lydia today that I would grow out my nails..I will grow out my nails..I will grow out my nails..I will grow out nails..I hope I can grow out my nails. Wouldn't it be great if sometimes good intentions could be enough!
But I'm going to look at this as a very minor and probably not too important test of self control..something i greatly lack! so i figure if I write it down then hopefully that will help me remember not to bite them!

k so what else did I do today...the day is not even over and already the day is a blur..oh i remember now..

ok so i had this strange desire to make homemade lemonade today:) so i did..i'm not going to bother to put down notes because well i can't remember what ratio of lemon to sugar to water to ice it was but it turned out ok. Actually i was thinking on my drive home from the Kerrs that next time i should use carbonated water instead of still water to give a little fizz..yes i will try and remember that for next time.

so Isaiah cute moment of the day had to be when he opened my guitar case and realised that the inside lining of my case is super soft...so adorable..see pictures:)

So tonight i went to the kerrs to play..dun dun...MONOPOLY:) its the only board game i like. It was such a good game..and yes i am just saying that cause i won! i'm such a bad winner too..i should work on that-i have such a competitive nature which comes out in games..as some may testify too i'm sure!;)
but yeah it was fun to chill and relax and drink more lemonade and count out how many $500 dollar notes i had..hehe..oh good times indeed!:)

so my goal for this week is to have half of romans 8 memorised. I have up to verse 11 learned although its not exactly word for word so i need to work on that. But yes that's my goal for Sunday.

oh and new music today - Paul Colman - The one thing

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