Why start blogging?

Answer..someone told me to! I was complaining of having too much free time and so, was told I should write a blog. So this is the result..most of it will be random goings on and some will be so I can look back on my time in Canada and actually remember some of it..(which is a good thing as I have a woeful memory!) And its been a great experience living here. Its been hard at times but the good moments definitely out weight the hard moments:)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

hyped up on sugar!!!!!

so i've noticed a theme in my blogs - I usually start off my blog commenting on the weather...its such an irish thing to do..but i can't help myself. I need/want to comment on the weather! very odd..but today was 28 and felt like 32..oh yeah:) so i just finished googling the highest ever temperature recorded in ireland...33 degrees recorded at kilkenny castle in 1887 (yeah i kid you not!) in contrast Canada's highest recorded temperature is 45 degrees recorded at Yellow Grass Saskatchewan.
The coldest ever recorded temperature in canda.. -63 degrees in Yukon Territory (where ever that is)..yikes..i just got a chill..well that could be from the air conditioning but still oh i can't even imagine what -63 degrees would feel like! The lowest ever recorded temperature in ireland -19.1 recorded at Markree Castle, Sligo 1881..wow the 1800s in ireland had some crazy weather!

well all that to say..another sunny day in canada:) ok yeah i know..enough with the weather;)

right so today...what did i do...mmhmm...what did i do... ok the day is not even over and i am struggling to remember what happened. This is why its good to have a blog to look back on:)

ok so i woke up..went outside..worked in the office for a bit..then went outside to warm up...the basement which is already a touch on the cold side is feeling increasingly chilly. But its actually a nice feeling to come in from outside where its roasting and then have to wrap up in a blanket. Its like the best of both worlds:) although definitely have to close the vent in the bathroom..a cold bathroom is never pleasant!

Lydia washed out isaiah's little pool which was class. Isaiah was so cute splashing about. I have pictures but I can't remember where i left the camera..(yes another common theme..i tend to loose track of three things pretty much everyday..1. my wallet 2. my phone and 3. my keys)
But it was fun to sit outside and chill with our feet in the pool and watch Isaiah play:)

Oh and the meat man came..yeah i should explain the meat man. Josh and Lydia buy Ontario natural fed (or something like that) meat from..well they just call him the meat man.. I've never questioned who this meat man is..all i know is that his meat is awesome. Well anyway it makes me laugh when the meat man delivers cause who knew a delivery of meat could bring someone so much joy...well for Lydia it does:) its almost as good as when she gets flyers on Thursdays (or well used to get).. I've never seen someone get so much enjoyment from flyers as does our Lydia:) and actually i must admit i too enjoyed going through the flyers when they came and looking for good deals. I also find myself in the grocery store now that i too gain much amusement if something is on sale! stuff is always better on sale.

So i watched prison break - the final break tonight...absolute pants! it was so bad. They really should have stopped making this tv show after the first two seasons. There is only so many times someone can break out of a prison in all fairness! ok so it goes like this
season 1 : break out of prison
season 2: on the run after breaking out of prison
season 3: back in prison
season 4: break out of prison again and bring down "the company" yeah its just called "the company"
the final break: wait for it..go to prison (shocker i know), break out & finally die in the process.

but hey at least the first two seasons were good so i can't really complain!

so i'm still running high after getting a slushie from petro canada and eating sour patch kids and sour cherry things..not wise to do if you have any desire for sleeping!

song for today - phil wickham - you're beautiful

1 comment:

  1. aahahahahah, break out of prison, go back to prison, break out of prison, go back to prison, break out of prison and then *DIE*. haha, well I won't be getting into that show now that I know what happens in a nutshell.
    BTW, "It was pants" is TOTALLY my new phrase for this week.
